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How To Calculate and Improve Occupancy in a Call Center?


Optimizing agent performance is essential in the fast-paced world of call centers, where customer service is paramount. To achieve this, call center managers rely on various metrics to assess and enhance their agents’ efficiency and productivity. Among these metrics, the occupancy rate is a crucial indicator of agent workload, staffing levels, and overall service effectiveness.

The occupancy rate provides valuable insights into how effectively agents are utilized, calculates how many agents you need, and the potential impact on customer satisfaction.

By accurately calculating and continuously monitoring occupancy, call center managers can make informed decisions regarding staffing levels, training programs, and operational adjustments to achieve optimal performance and business goals.

But what is occupancy in a call center? What is a good occupancy rate for a call center? And how do you calculate and improve it? Let’s understand all these in detail.

What Is Occupancy in a Call Center?

Occupancy in call centers refers to the time call center agents spend actively handling customer interactions or being occupied with work tasks, compared to their total available working time. It is expressed as a percentage and provides insights into agent utilization and workload management.

In simpler terms, occupancy is a metric that determines how busy agents are during their working hours. A high occupancy rate indicates that agents consistently handle calls or perform other work-related activities. In contrast, a low occupancy rate suggests that agents have periods of idle time or are not fully utilized.

Why Is Occupancy An Important Metric In Call Centers?

Occupancy rate directly impacts both agent performance and customer satisfaction. An excessively high occupancy rate can lead to agent burnout, decreased call center efficiency, and compromised service quality, as agents may feel overwhelmed and rushed. On the other hand, a low occupancy rate can result in underutilization of resources, increased costs, and longer wait times for customers.

Moreover, occupancy helps call center managers to optimize resources, particularly staffing levels. By monitoring occupancy rates, managers can identify periods of high or low demand and adjust the number of agents accordingly. If occupancy is consistently high, it may indicate a need for additional staff to handle the workload effectively.

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How To Calculate Occupancy in a Call Center?

Here’s how you can calculate occupancy in a call center.

Call center occupancy rate formula:

Occupancy = (Time spent on call-related activity / Total logged-in time) X 100


Time spent on call-related activity = Total talk time + Total hold time + Total after-call work time

Total Logged-in time = The time spent in the system (between sign-in and sign-out)

Here’s an example to help you better understand how to calculate the occupancy rate for two agents:

Occupancy for Agent 1: (258/300) X 100 = 86.0%

Occupancy for Agent 2: (266/306) X 100 = 86.92%

Try to maintain your agents’ occupancy rate between 85-90%. A number less than that could reduce customer satisfaction, and a number more than that could lead to agent burnout.

Mistakes To Avoid While Measuring Occupancy

While measuring occupancy in contact centers, it’s important to be aware of potential mistakes that can compromise the accuracy and effectiveness of the metric. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Expert Advice

"Regularly assess and analyze occupancy data, identify trends, and implement strategies to optimize agent productivity and customer service levels. Experiment with scheduling, training, and workload distribution to find the most efficient and balanced approach. Embrace a culture of learning and adaptability to drive ongoing improvement in call center operations."

Occupancy vs. Utilization: The Difference

Occupancy and utilization are two related but distinct metrics used in call centers to measure agent productivity and resource allocation. While they are often used interchangeably, understanding their differences is essential.

Occupancy, as mentioned earlier, measures the proportion of time agents spend actively handling customer interactions or work-related tasks compared to their total available working time. It focuses on the agent’s engagement and workload during their working hours. Occupancy is typically expressed as a percentage and helps assess agent efficiency, service levels, and staffing requirements.

On the other hand, utilization measures the proportion of time agents spend on productive work tasks compared to their total available time, including customer interactions and other call-related activities such as administrative tasks, training, or breaks.

Utilization encompasses all activities contributing to agent productivity, not just customer interactions. It is also expressed as a percentage and provides insights into how effectively agents utilize their available time, including on-call and off-call activities.

Effects of Occupancy [High and Low]

A call center’s occupancy rate, whether high or low, can significantly impact its potential to utilize its resources properly and provide exceptional customer service. Let’s understand how.

High Occupancy Effects

Low Occupancy Effects

How To Improve Call Center Occupancy?

There are several ways to improve the call center occupancy rate, including monitoring call volumes at different times, holding cross-training sessions, reducing the number of agents, and partial outsourcing. Let’s understand it in detail.

1- Monitor Call Volume At Different Times

The amount of incoming calls varies throughout the day. There will be both peak and quiet hours. By monitoring call volume across hours and days, you will be better able to determine the appropriate staffing level for busy and quiet periods.

2- Hold Cross-Training Programs

Blended agents boost call center occupancy rates by handling inbound and outbound calls. But, to make handling inbound and outbound calls effective, you must hold training programs for the agents. It would teach them the best practices for both types of calls and prepare them to handle more calls during quiet hours.

3- Reduce the Number of Agents

Overstaffing is one of the biggest reasons for a low occupancy rate. Analyze the number of calls received in the last three months to determine an approximate number of the calls you will likely receive in the coming months. You can then reduce the number of agents accordingly to maintain higher occupancy rates throughout the call center.

4- Consider Partial Outsourcing or Hiring Remote Agents

It might not be easy to attend all the calls during peak hours. If you rush agents to complete the calls quickly and hop onto another, it might hurt the customer satisfaction rate. Thus, consider outsourcing or hiring remote agents to handle additional calls during peak hours. It ensures the occupancy rate is maximum for each employee without compromising the service quality.

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Optimizing occupancy in call centers is essential for maximizing agent productivity, delivering exceptional customer service, and achieving operational efficiency. By striking the right balance and avoiding measurement pitfalls, call center managers can create a productive work environment, enhance service quality, and drive business success. However, ensure that you don’t solely use occupancy in call center metrics for measuring agents’ performance.

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What is a good occupancy rate for a call center?

A good occupancy in the call center is 85-90%. Anything less than that could negatively impact customer satisfaction, and a number more than that could lead to agent burnout and might increase agent attrition.

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